Friday, August 01, 2008

Morning Email Conversations

This morning I sent an email to inquire about a small work of art that I have been coveting for some time now.So I thought why not at least ask the price.
Here are snippets from various emails sent back and forth this morning.
"I am inquiring about the what is available in the inventory of works by artist, ******."
"The following work is available along with the price list for the general public."

You see I didnt  know how to answer the email.I was confused by the line " for the general public". It kinda annoyed me,so I wanted to know what a non general public person was.

"Some one of importance"

This annoyed me even more,cause i like to think of myself as a super duper highly important person of mystery..of course.So I had to write back ,right?

What constitutes a person of importance?
Whomever I think is important.
I'm I important to you?
Who are you?
last question I asked..
Who are we all really?
I'm still waiting for an answer..

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