Saturday, May 09, 2009

just stop being annoying already

Frustration over website and shopping cart ..still not done
Need more iron and green things
Hot, very hot even more hot when you're 7 months along

Reading :
In The Woods  Which is quite a difficult book when you have a 3 year old and are expecting.
I mean who wants to read about child murders?
A Home Made Life   I was just about to buy this and received it in the mail as a b-day gift from my sister in law. This is one of those books that i read about on so many crafty/food blogs that i finally broke down and added it to my wishlist. I have hopes this will turn me into a crafty/food person .
The Walking Dead volume #1  My love for zombies doesn't end with movies. I buy all my comics here. They haven't failed me yet when it comes to recommendations, Dave turned me onto  Kick Ass.I had forgot all about this series. I had issue #1 lost it and never gotten around to finish it. Now they're all in nice little volumes for me. I expect a load of zombies in my future.

Here is something I wanna get ASAP. The film i guess is out..searching for it.
Lovely bit of animation from one of my favorite children's book. Not to mention the soundtrack sounds pretty great.



wendy said...

oh I want that film too - glad to know you are on it.

lisa solomon said...

i had to take iron pills... i still have some. i should send to you....
